My garden in April

Erysimum helveticum

Review Notes: I hunted long and hard to identify this plant. It flowers for a very long period. It was given to me by Dr Weir. I came to the conclusion that it was an Erysimum but couldnt find a photo anywhere to identify the variety. I treated myself to the latest edition of [4] (= [45] !!) and there it was pictured. The section on Erysimum had been extended and someone must have told the editor about my quest.
The flowers are very distinctive. Brown, almost black buds in the centre are surrounded with tiny yellow flowers on the circumference. Seems to last all summer like that. [4] says it is a partly evergreen perennial. I'd describe mine as a sub shrub as it ages to woody stems. It self seeds, a great relief, as I lost all mature plants last winter. I weeded the surrounding areas without upsetting the soil too much and "bingo" a few seedlings emerged. I'll be gathering more seed this year just in case!
It would probably make a very good cut flower.

Plant Type:- Perennial
Colour:- Yellow
Flowering Period:- May to Sep

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Photographer:- George Kelly
Photographer: - George Kelly, Dromore



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