Date taken:- 30/10/2016 2016-06-30 The pond in Donna's Bed. The white flowers at the rear of photo are our native Oxeye daisies, Leucanthemum vulgare. I am quite happy to have the daisies, foxgloves, rudbeckias and more self-seed where they like. I remove them if I don't like. The blue flowers to the right are Nepeta racemosa 'Walkers Low', a catmint with aromatic foliage that bees and other pollinators love. I have much better luck with this than lavender, and it blooms for months. At the pond itself are pink and blue specimens of Scaevola, what we call fan flowers. It's an annual, but one I like very much and include in the garden somewhere every year. The bright white patch between them is an artificial floating waterlily. Perhaps a real one next year.