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 “Photo of the Week” archives

Meet the ideasforgardens team!
My daughter Tara poses among the roses on my long overdue photo shoot in Bob Brooks’s magnificent garden in Belfast. Tara has spent many happy hours keying up the plant names in the new Acers Database, and helping me to research plant properties for the new Master Database, all for use with Ideas Genie.
Dont fight it Tara, its in your genes (another reminder). Doesn’t she look happy!

Four Seasons Garden
Marie and Tony Newton
26 Buchanan Road, Walsall, WS4 2EN
Winner of the 2007 Daily Mail National Garden Competition
Featured on Gardeners World Special on BBC2 in February 2010
Visit the Four Seasons website (temporarily unlinked - site problems?)

Another fine photo taken by a member of our forum (Palustris)
This time its a very good capture of the beautiful flowers of Chionodoxa Valentines Day
The difficulty associated with taking photos of plants with blue flowers was then discussed on the forum
To see more garden photos, click here.
You’ll find a couple of sets by Palustris.


This was the photo used for the Photo of the Week prior to Christmas 2009.
The photographer is Malcom Ovens. His garden Lyn and Malcolms Garden is open to the public under the National Garden Scheme and was featured in the opening program in the 2009 Gardeners World series on BBC TV .
Heres a list of the open days. This is an opportunity not to be missed.
One of Malcolms hobbies is taking pictures of birds in the wild.

Heres his digiscoping website

Its that time of the year when I always wish I’d grown more Dahlias.  I made up for that by taking in the Annual Show of the N.Ireland Dahlia Society. I took lots of photos, particularly of those I’d like to grow next year. You might get a few ideas.Heres the website I created with my Photos:
Northern Ireland Dahlia Society Annual Show 2008

A late spring photo this week - it’s Zahida’s impressive garden in Indiana, USA. Zahida is a member of The Hammond Garden Club. Be sure to visit and read about their fantastic community project.
Hyacinths and Tulips make a wonderful combination. Both have a wide range of colours, so you could easily combine the pair to produce alternative colour schemes.

A group of Crocuses under a light sprinkling of snow in March 2005. Mervyn Dowling, my professional photographer friend from Belfast, braved the elements to snap this photo.  
Click here for more photos by Mervyn

Denis Grahams patio and pond near the conservatory. The pond was designed and construted by Denis’s 15 year old son. This low maintenance garden is featured in the “Gardens of Ireland” SWAP Library CD.
Click here for more details.

Gwen Hutchinson’s new garden. From green field to house, garden AND pond in 5 weeks. You’ll find some of the plants in this photo in the listings in the new Best Plants section of this site. Click HERE for Best Plants
Before this move, Gwen specialised in Conifers and Heathers, and photos of that garden are featured on this site.

Crinodendron hookerianum (Chilean Lantern Tree). Photo taken in late May 03
This is just one of the plants I’ve features in my Top 100 list, the first of a number of Best Plants listings I hope to amass in a new section on this site. Click HERE for Best Plants

I grew this plant from a small root division taken by my brother when he visited a friends garden. All I knew was that it was stunning. Took a few years to reach flowering size but well worth the wait. It is indeed a stunner with large 5in blooms and a slight but gorgeous fragrance.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the best match I can find is Paeonia ‘Sarah Bernhardt’.
To see more of my photos, click here, and navigate to Country Ireland: and look for the new June 03 set under My Own Garden
Gardener: George Kelly

28th April 03 Another great photo by Mervyn Dowling, a professional photographer from Belfast.
A close up of the flowers on a Prunus (variety unknown).
Unfortunately the Cherry blossom only lasts a couple of weeks.
To see more of Mervyns photos, click here, and navigate to Country Ireland: Location:  Belfast
Gardener: Mervyn Dowling

Feb 16th 03 I’m off to Seattle, USA this week, to support Doug at our Ideas Genie Garden Software booth (#346) at the Northwest Flower & Garden Show. I’ve had an invitation from Peter Bricel to visit his celebrated “Garden of Dreams” (pictured left) when I’m in town! Needless to say, I’ve accepted the invitation.
Click here to visit Peter’s extensive web site. I’ve got a few other exclusives contributed by Peter. Click here, and navigate to Country USA: Location:  Pacific North West
Gardener: Peter Bricel

Feb 14th 2003 Most gardeners are romantics at heart, you love your flowers, of course. This was a special photo for Valentines day. This is Rosa ‘Alec’s Red’, probably one of the best reds available and comes with absolutely beautiful fragrance. For more photos from my garden, click here and navigate to Country: Ireland, My own Garden then George Kelly.

Jan 03 Redditch Best Garden Competition 2002 was the subject this week. This beautiful garden by Mrs Morrison won third prize overall.
The photo was taken by Chrissie Harten, Competion Judge and also a previous winner. Chrissie has a wonderful web site . (See Links).We will display more Best Garden photos supplied by Chrissie soon.

Dec 02 (Christmas week) A photo during the festive period by a professional photographer, Mervyn Dowling from Belfast, N Ireland. For a larger view of this photo and other photos in the set, click on Garden Photos and navigate to:
Country: Ireland then click on Location: Belfast

December 02 - An “English Country Garden” this week portraying Brian Denison’s charming retreat.
For more photos from Brian’s garden, click on Garden Photos and navigate to: Country England, Location: Leeds

December 02-  The “pot” is as colourful as the flowers here!
After the initial impact of a riot of colour, the next thought is a nostalgic flashback to the days of the horse and cart in rural Ireland.  My neighbour, Sadie Flanagan, planted it up with Begonias and Lobelia. It has graced her front garden in Dromore, N Ireland all summer.
For more photos from Dromore, click on Garden Photos and navigate to: Country Ireland Location: Dromore

November 02- This beautiful reminder of summer was contributed by Bobbi Drown. For an enlarged photo, and more photos in this set, click on Garden Photos and navigate to:
Country USA: Location:  Washington State
Gardener: Bobbi Drown

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