Website last updated:- 3th October 2024


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Ideas Genie
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Plant Lovers

Flower Genie
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Bank Genie
Software for managing
your personal finances

Bank Genie Pro
Money management software


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Are you willing to share your GARDEN PHOTOS?

Have you photos of your garden you’re proud of?
Would you be willing to share them with visitors to this site?

Follow the instructions below to send them to us. We’ll aim to publish them within a few days. Then tell your friends around the world to look up this site to share your pride and joy on the web. They may even send us some of their photos from another country.

We’re looking for photographs of real gardens to impress, cheer and inspire others to get out there and do something creative in their garden.

We would like photos with a good garden content (plants, plant combinations, garden features, patios, paths, features, plant and foliage associations - or just plain nice!)

It would be very helpful (but not absolutely necessary) if you could compose a short description for each photograph.

As you can see from viewing garden photos on this website, our software allows for a description  to go with each photo - the name(s) of the prominent plant(s) in the photo, notes about the features etc.
You can also have a link to your own website displayed in the body of the text.

Remember, the size of the garden is NOT important.

Send your digital images to this email address.

Note:- We group photos for display in sets. We’ll put all your photos in your own exclusive set with either your name or if you wish, Name Withheld.

Thanking you in anticipation, and enjoy your gardening!

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