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13th Feb 19


We’ve been working on our Software for Personal Finances and Investments recently.
BUT, we are back to work (and play) with our software for gardeners:
Ideas Genie Pro 6 and Flower Genie 4.
Please revisit and share your photos to add to the many LOVELY gardens on this our first and favourite website - we are continually looking for more photos of plants and gardens.

6th Jan 17


We’re back! After 4 years of intensive development to add many new and interesting features to our software for gardeners:
Ideas Genie Pro 6 and Flower Genie 4.
Many more customers, many more photos and many LOVELY gardens. We hope to have more time to devote to this our first and favourite website - more photos of plants and gardens, best plants and a few bargains.

30th July 14


That Web Page Generator has been reworked yet again.
It now shows larger images for your enjoyment.
Heres an example

11th Jan 14

Garden Photos

We have developed a new Web Page Generator for our Ideas Genie software (please enquire if you have photos of your garden and would like to give it a try - we offer free hosting for your web pages to users of our Garden Software ).
We will be replacing old stye Garden Photo presentations on this site with the new. Heres the momentous first example:
My Garden in June 01 (the rise and fall and rejuvenation of a small rockery)

30th Apr 10


We’ve moved the website to a new server.
More disk space means more photos. Revisit often!

26th Feb 10


Theres been a break due to intensive software development.
Read about our extended range of software

8th Nov 05


Its finally released!
Flower Genie - Software for Gardeners
If you like surfing for nice plants and photos, this is for you!
Designed with new gardeners and Forum users in mind

15th Feb 03

Garden Software

Would you like to see a demonstration of our product
 Ideas Genie-Software for Plant Lovers ? Visit our booth at the Northwest Flower & Garden Show in Seattle, WA, USA You’ll find us listed in the Marketplace section of the Northwest site. We are on stand #346, near the Bistro. The show runs from 19th to the 23rd Feb 2003. I fly out from Belfast via London and Houston on Monday 17th. See you there!

28th Oct 02

Garden Software

The backlog of despatches of Ideas Genie-Software for Plant Lovers is nearly cleared, so we hope to get back to a long overdue update to very soon. Please visit again. We have a few new ideas!

23rd July 02

Garden Software

Ideas Genie Version 2 ready for issue (at last)
Hundreds of photos in the pipeline.for Garden Photos and Cultivars sections. Cultivars include Japanese Maples, 150 Camellias, Narcissus (local hybridizer) Plus three Nurseries, A celebrated Alpine Garden, A National Trust Garden plus of course, a wide variety of Private Gardens. Please keep looking in. Hope to get back to update the photos soon. Currently concentrating on lots of photos and plant names for distribution with Ideas Genie.

3rd Feb 02

Garden Software

We have purchased the domain for exclusive use by our Ideas Genie Users plus a Virtual server dedicated to the domain. Look out for Resources, Lessons, FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Cheats for our flagship Software product. 

The first copies of the revamped Ideas Genie - Software for Plant Lovers have been distributed at home and to England, Scotland, USA and New Zealand in Jan 02.
Being assessed by:- University staff at Horticultural Colleges, Botanists, Master Gardeners, Hybridizers, Garden Center Owners and of course, by its intended audience, Amateur Gardeners who enjoy Collecting information on Plants.

The ideasforgardens-Garden Photos Explorer a free program was released recently as a free download.

Finally,  those photos of Hillsborough we promised. They WILL be up soon, plus more.

3rd Feb 02

Garden Software

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