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Gardeners with Websites (arranged alphabetically by Country)

Alaska Crafts  Frank & Verna Pratt   (Link  ceased to work)

Perennial Gardening on the Prairies - A TRULY GREAT web site by Maureen and Glen from Saskatchewan, CA

A View from Here (Regrettably Now offline)
Alta's garden is in far northern Canada where the season is very short and temperatures in winter often drop below 40 C. The zone is 0b. This personal journal in pictures is updated throughout the growing season, and includes notes from the public garden she tends there.
You’ll be astounded with her beautiful garden and the wide range of plants she grows.

Chrissie Harten - Redditch, England. A Flower Arrangers Garden
Chrissie certainly knows her plants A previous winner of the Redditch Best Garden Competition, Chrissie is now a judge of the competition. Small wonder then that this site has so much to interest gardeners and great tips about flower conditioning and arranging. It is simply terrific. After a few exchanges of emails I had to confess to Chrissie that I didnt know whether to salute or bow. It is THAT good!
Lisa at turningearth
Another MEGA site. These girls can put a man to shame! Just when you think you have seen all sections in Lisa’s site you find another, with yet another ocean of information. Brilliant!

The Alpine Garden - Alan Grainger’s superb web site.

Lyn and Malcolms garden in Ferndown, Dorset, England. Be sure to run the Clematis slide show!
You’ll also find links to Clematis Plant Societies in the UK.

EmilyCompost -  Emily is an enthusiastic amateur gardener. A writer, photographer, and creator. She has been gardening for nearly 50 years

Helen Melhuish Cheshire, England (Link ceased to work)
Martyn Gleadens garden in Wath-Upon-Dearne, South Yorkshire. This one puzzled me for some time after I found it, as there was no evidence on the site as to the webmaster. I posted the link asking for info.
Eventually I received an email from Martyn. Heres an extract from his email:
I think the main secret to the garden is wildlife.  As we feed birds and hedgehogs all year round we have a thriving Wren, Backbird, Tit, Sparrow and Thrush population.  Between the birds and the hedgehogs we have no aphid or slug/snail problems, and I have to use no chemicals Rob’s non-commercial site is dedicated to one of my favourite sun-loving plants, Osteospermums. Photos and names of Cultivars, and recommended hardy varieties for the UK. Botany, Propagation, Plant Care, Pests & Diseases etc. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Daisy Paradise This is  Rob’s other web site on a group of plants with unbounded scope for discussion and use, and its well covered here. No garden can be without Daisies

My Chrysanthemums Web Site Again, its not mine, its the title of the web site by Peter Fraser, from the Northeast of England. With 30 years experience growing & showing and latterly, breeding Chrysanthemums, Peter is an authority on the subject. He is also the Membership Manager of the National Chrysanthemum Society in the  UK.

Wildflowers of the Devon and Cornwall Peninsula - by David Fenwick

A small Irish garden - Such modesty! Dont be under any illusion. This is Elizabeth Law’s world famous garden in Dublin, Ireland.

Dillon Garden - Helen Dillons Dublin Garden                        

Fujiyama Japanese Gardens Sam Whiskey is from Co Antrim N Ireland, close to where I live. He’s a great friend of Peter (see Garden of Dreams below).

Mooseys Country Garden Mary tells us “I’m a musician, too - I play classical piano, mainly Brahms and Bach”. Another reason to highly recommend this great gardener!

Chrysanthemums in Aberdeen Paul Barlow’s fantastic resource, a must for for anyone growing or showing Chrysanthemums. Photos, cultural information, Cultivars list, and if you are in the UK, you can buy plants at a very reasonable price. Some great articles in the section called “All Other Topics”, including a very interesting history of Chrysanthemums in the topic “Chrysanth Facts”

Finca Limoneros. Sherill and Keith’s Garden in Southern Spain
Sherill, an English lady who now lives in Southern Spain,  made contact in response to my plea for photo contributions for my web site. By sheer co-incidence, I had just returned (Sept 05) from a very enjoyable holiday in Malaga, Spain (Sept 05) with 100+ photos of flowers and gardens to sort out. Sherill has offered to help me identify a few of the “mystery plants”. As you will see on this web site, Sherill and Keith have a wide selection of plants growing in their garden which in most cases are very different to those grown in England, and Sherill  likes to research their botanical names.
Both the garden and the web site is a great team effort by this couple.
This house and garden is something most of us dream of. Paradise! Enjoy!

Don Hyatt - An amazing Rhododendron & Azalea Website

Steve Henning The goal of this site is to share this information with those who share a love for the Genus Rhododendron.

The Garden Of Dreams - My very good friends from Seattle WA, USA. After a few months of email correspondence across the Atlantic, I met up with Peter and Carol at the Ideas Genie booth at the Northwest Flower & Garden Show in Seattle. I was delighted to accept their invitiation to visit their garden. Enjoy your virtual visit! (You’ll see photos of our meeting on my Garden Software website)

FLOWERLADY’ web site Florida- USA- Lorraine was one of my first visitors on our Ideas for Gardens Forum.
She loves scented Roses. Her forum postings are always “Sigged” with a quality photo of her latest bloom.

A Southern Garden - This garden is located in Florence, a town in the northwest corner of Alabama.

Stephen Davis Details and photos at different stages of construction and development of a Bog garden where he grows Carnivorous Plants. The site has Plant names and lots of information e.g. Growing Tips etc.

Joanne Mantz Flower Photos -  and the Knight Arboretum. A site about desert gardening in Arizona
Cactus, euphorbia, agave, aloe, trees, flowering shrubs, wildflowers and so many others

Ivor Mace - Gardener Extraordinaire and co-ordinator of evening courses
Ivor shares 15 years experience as a professional grower on thse pages. In addition to Chrysanthemums, the site features the Welsh Dahlia Society Trials and the B.A.R.B. trials, both at Pencoed College, Wales

My Garden - Well, its not actually MY garden, its the name of the William Hughes web site in Wales, UK.

General Interest for the Gardener   Just about everything for the Gardener . Pleased to return the compliment for a link on their site.

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